Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor in our year-round Farmers Market. The Sherwood Park Farmers Market (SPFM) operates year-round on Wednesdays from 3 pm to 7 pm.NOTE: IF you wish to sell hot food you MUST fill out the Concession Application which is a separate application form.
The Indoor season of the Sherwood Park Farmers Market (SPFM) runs every Wednesday from January 10th until May 8th & from October 9th – December 18th. We are located at the Emerald Hills Shopping Centre #350, 5000 Emerald Drive, Sherwood Park for the Indoor Season (location subject to change).
The Outdoor Season of the Sherwood Park Farmers Market (SPFM) runs every Wednesday starting May 15th until October 2nd from 3:00 – 7:00 pm. We are located at 3000 Emerald Drive, Sherwood Park (location subject to change).
All applications are reviewed by the SPFM Vendor Approval Committee. Applications from returning vendors will receive first consideration; previous participation does not guarantee acceptance into the market. Vendor approval will be based on an overall market balance. SPFM Board reserves the right to limit market size and to reject applications with or without reason. Decisions of the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market Executive/Vendor Committee are final.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must have certification and/or insurance forms included, in order for your application to be considered complete.
Once your application is approved, there are NO REFUNDS. All funds must be paid in advance of attending any market day.
NOTICE: All Food Vendors: All vendors selling consumable food products or pet food products must provide a current copy of their Farmers Market Food Certificate or Food Handling Permit. All prospective vendors must successfully complete the Farmers’ Market Home Study Course before applying to Alberta Farmers Markets. This course can be found here:
Click the above link and then click on Alberta Food Safety Basics for Farmers’ Markets, you will be able to complete the course from that portal.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a food safety certificate valid for 3 years. Serving samples of your product is encouraged, provided you meet the AHS Farmers Market guidelines and any current Covid regulations in regards to product sampling.
At the Sherwood Park Farmers Market, we encourage vendors to carry their own liability insurance. Please submit a copy of your liability insurance if you carry your own.
If you have any questions you may contact the Market Manager @ 780-464-3354
Thank you for your interest in becoming a concession vendor in our year-round Farmers Market. The Sherwood Park Farmers Market (SPFM) operates year-round on Wednesdays from 3 pm to 7 pm.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a community vendor in the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market. You must be a Community Organization and a non-profit organization in order to qualify to be a community vendor at the Market. For Profit Organizations must fill out the regular vendor application. No items may be sold at a community table.
The Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market (SPFM) runs every Wednesday from 3 – 7 pm. As we are an all-weather market, please be prepared for all kinds of weather when the Market is outdoors. Changes to Strathcona County regulations, street construction, building renovations or Market plan may alter Market locations. All applications are subject to review and approval by the Vendor Selection Committee.
NOTE: Dates are subject to availability for non-profit tables as we can only accommodate 1 or 2 per week.
If you have any questions, or concerns, you may contact the Farmers Market Manager @ 780-464-3354, or email
The Rules and Regulations will be STRICTLY ENFORCED. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the forfeiture of your participation in the SPFM.
The Sherwood Park Farmers Market Board reserves the right to change, interpret and enforce these rules and regulations as deemed necessary to maintain consistency and individuality of the Market for the best of all served by the Market.
I certify that I have read, understand and agree to comply with all Market Rules and Regulations as specified by the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market, Alberta Health Services, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. I understand that failure to abide by the rules may result in a fine of $50 or removal from the market and that the decisions of the Sherwood Park Farmers Market Board are final and binding.
All Food Vendors selling any type of food products (including pet products)- you must meet all Food Safety guidelines and requirements as outlined by Alberta Health Services.
Food vendors are required to have completed a current Farmers Market Home Study Course or a Food Safety Course in order to comply with Section 31 of the Food Regulation. A copy of this certificate or AHS Food Handling Permit MUST be submitted with your application.
NEW VENDORS: Please provide photos of your product and a copy of your food labels.
NOTE: You MUST provide your own tent and tent weights. Tent Weights must be a minimum of 25 lbs per tent leg.
No equipment information is required for Community Vendors
Full Season @ $990$330 due immediately along with 2 post-dated cheques or email transfer of $330 due on May 1st & Sept. 1stNOTE: Full season is a total saving of $650 for the full yearNOTE: Last date to qualify for full season rates is February 28th
ONLY one date per SEASON, based on availability.
$10.00 per year (All vendors must pay the membership fee)
Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque or E-TransferCheques payable to: Sherwood Park Farmers MarketEmail Transfers can be sent to:
Please put your company name in the comments section when sending an email transfer.
Note: The Market Manager requires a minimum notice of 48 hours of any cancellation. Failure to notify the Market Manager of your absence 48 hours before market day (by 3 pm on Monday) will result in a $10.00 fine / $25 for NO SHOWS. All cancellations MUST be communicated through the Market Manager by email only at:
If you carry your own liability insurance please submit a current copy of Liability Insurance naming Sherwood Park Farmers Market as an additional insured on your policy.
In consideration of being allowed to use the facilities of the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market Society and the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market, located at #350, 5000 Emerald Drive & 3000 Emerald Drive, we the undersigned, hereby agree to the following:
To waive any and all claims that we,
may have against the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market Society and the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market located at #350, 5000 Emerald Drive & 3000 Emerald Drive, its directors and officers, employees, agents, representatives and volunteers.
To release from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that occurs out of the use of any of the facilities of the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market Society and the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market, located at #350, 5000 Emerald Drive & 3000 Emerald Drive, by the above-named Vendor, their family, their employees or volunteer participants.
To hold harmless and indemnify the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market Society and the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market, located at #350, 5000 Emerald Drive & 3000 Emerald Drive, from any and all liability for any property damage, personal injury to any third party or other financial loss or expense, including legal expense and costs of a solicitor-and-his-own-client full indemnity basis, resulting from the participation in any event to be held on the facilities of the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market Society and the Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market, located at #350, 5000 Emerald Drive & 3000 Emerald Drive, throughout the 2024 season.
We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that we have read the foregoing and understand its content, import and meaning.
Market Food Safety Certificate (if applicable)
Copy of Insurance
Product Images
Photos of your product(s)
Photos of your labels if you are selling food, pet food or cosmetics
ALL vendors selling consumable products (includes pet and cosmetic products):
Drag and Drop (or) Choose Files
Once your application is approved, we will contact you to complete payment.